Friday, November 05, 2004

so many things to write, so little time to write...

this tomboy thing is really sweet... i haven't got the time to write a conduit so that my notes automatically become mobile note compatible... the quick and dirty solution would be to just do xsl on the xml files that tomboy produces and transform it to plain wiki syntax that mobile notes understands...

with that said, am being too much dependent on the clie for quite some time now... rarely do i bring the degatto (yes its a brick, but i dont have the money to buy those lightweight centrino laptops you insensitve clod!) anymore... all the usual office stuff, emails and doc editing can be done by this pda... of course i still use a generic workstation for work related things but this pda allows me to carry handy references whenever i go... paired with an 8310, am available to recv email, log on to yahoo messenger and do the google thing whenever the needs arises, and no access point in sight... and yes ssh and vnc is still quite usable even when using a gprs connection... and as an added bonus, these softwares are freely available via what i do spend on this thing are ebooks via, which revived my passion for reading... and of course palm powered device is linux and freebsd friendly ;), syncs nicely with evolution... the memstick also allows me to carry one or two cd's worth of audio and the built in camera is very handy for life's never ending kodak moments... now if only santa would give me a wireless (IR) keyboard compatible with the clie tj37, i'd be extremely happy...

work related stuff brings me to SOAP programming to interface with a client's system... quite cool if i could also find the time to try apache axis to expose some of *Services classes to actual web services...

on the degatto side, hands down linux leads the bsd's in supporting a wide range hardware... for now the only thing that doesnt work on this thing is the built in card reader... as of thursday last week i finally figured out to make the built in winmodem work via the slmodem port... the trick is disabling the default serial init script which conflicts with the slmodem init script...

hmmmnnn... its 2am, time to drink coffee, whack the keyboard for another hour, and go to bed...