browsing thru
warrenm's initial commit on
patriot... interesting... doofus nox! you have to finish reading the JSR-212 spec first for this stuff to somehow sink into the left? side of your brain...
on another context, its really ironic that sms application developers locally seems to be more geared towards providing content (artistaaa, ring tones etc etc etc)... only a small percentage gets to deploy other types of sms applications... not surprising really as getting a short access code will require that the telco likes you... or else your ideas would end up down the drain... only that a few months later you say fuck! isnt that the same thing that they say "its not possible, due to this and this... or, we will just get back to you as we need to discuss these more internally... but really, that might not go well with legal..." what the hell is wrong with this people? why cant short access codes be a simple process as getting a landline or registering your domain... if its like that (sans the ability to broadcast , since everybody then can do sms spam) we could be seeing more innovative applications than those that we have today... with the current revenue share, it would be favorable to the telcos... its not far eftched that in the future, CSP's would die and all applications will be developed internally or by a telco owned spin off company... as the
sassy laywer mentioned -> greed
*sigh*... its really futile to restrain your fingers (frenetic at 100wpm) to type fcuk when you meant to type "suck! or the generally milder oh my gulay!"... from patriot to arm chair activist... that was disorienting...