Thursday, January 27, 2005

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

my 1 year 2 months 17 days old degatto is already suffering from short term memory loss :( ... ntp seems to be a alleviate the problem but annoying nevertheless..

am also *this* close in wiping out this gentoo on the degatto and replacing it with ubuntu... compiling on your main workstation seems to get in me after almost a year of of compiling and updating everything every weekend... should be absolutely fine on servers but on a workstation, its really a very different story...

since using ubuntu on the machine at work daily for a few months, it certainly seems less bloated than other distros... yes, gentoo lets you optimize and customize to the max but at a certain point seems unnecessary/overkill for a moderately modern machine... hmmnn... must be getting old, modifying build parameters doesnt excite me as they used to...