Friday, September 29, 2006

Post typhoon / typhoon post

Originally uploaded by nocs.
No electricity,
nothing to do.
A camera in hand,
what do you do?

Capture the expressions around the candle of course!

This is the real purpose of my DSLR, capturing time thru the lens. Am difinitely my daughters number one fan! Next task is to print this 8x10 and find a good frame. :D

Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di II Lens Review

My dream lens for the 350D. The Canon 17-55mm f/2.8 IS would be great if not for its "L" like price. I like the kit lens, but its a pain to use it when the sun is out, and I hate flash.

Santa, oh Santa...


- bitten by the photography bug

Monday, September 25, 2006

Macro fun!

Janro and I, chased a butterfly outside last saturday. 350D in hand was surprised what the kit lens and a bit of post processing can do. :D

Original Image: Colors "accurately" reproduced.

Processed image, using the "velvia film" effect by using the channel mixer in photoshop.

Next experiment is to shoot with RAW and try the picture styles in DPP.

- "yung tira ko, kit lens lang yan..." (tm)