Monday, May 21, 2007

Skype, because the world is flat.

Just upgraded my Skype mac app. Noticed the shiny animation whenever you toggle show contacts or show history. Now its more Mac-ish than ever.

Skype is an OFW's best friend. You can skype-babad to your hearts content if your family back home is connected to the internet. Although it can't still (yet) substitute being there, it helps a lot to keep your sanity intact. The video is a welcome bonus, I hope in the future it becomes pervasive to mobile devices. 3G video calls is not the way to go, unless you want to burn a hole in your pocket. Not to mention international 3G video Cellco agreements is the exception rather than the norm.

If your are sleeping under the rock, then what the frack! Wake up! Mobile is the way to go. Advertisers must be itching to capture this personalized-direct marketing opportunity.

mobile nox
-- The futre is mobile...

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