Thursday, April 06, 2006

BSD Guides :: Doing Stuff With FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, & Mac OS X

Jon of BSDGuides was pissed off that was ripping off the sites content. From the site:

Site Rip-off
Posted by Jon on March 13, 2006 at 11:57:29 am MST

The popularity of BSDGuides continues to grow so much that people just want to rip it off. It seems the owner of does not have any creativity because they didn't even bother changing the format and stylesheet. I am not posting this to promote their site, but merely to inform you that is original in its content and strives to stay that way. I have no plans on informing the owner of their stupidity at this time as public humility should be enough.

Wonder who the owner is? The domain was registered by Chroot Inc. Copyright? Copyleft? I think the intention is good. Even if I have read Lessig's Free Culture, the public nature of the web makes the issue a bit foggy. Hopefully this can be settled soon.

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